Hotel New Gitanjali, new Digha is a posh, chic, boutique leisure resort property nestled and
castled right on the sea beach at new Digha... and we have thrown our doors open to all from
1st Oct 2021.
We have delved deep into all the aspects and nuances of our esteemed guests and have
carefully chiseled out a 'One Stop Shop' Hotel unit here at Digha.
A perfect confluence of sun, sea, and sand.. which would adequately and holistically
take care of all the requirements of our elite and esteemed guests- tourists, corporates,
fits, groups and so on and so forth... and it is a matter of utmost price, privilege &
prestige for all of us to be able to do the fullest justice to the prover 'service before
self' by offering classy, friendly, trendy and cordial service to our guests on a 24*7
basis... which is one of our hallmark strengths.